Want to join the IBEW?
Do you want to improve your workplace and invest in your future? If so, this page is your first step towards that.
Why the IBEW?
Since its founding in 1891 the IBEW has been at the forefront of making the lives of workers and their families its number one priority. These improvements have come in the form of safer worksites, better wages, healthcare, and secure retirements for its members. When you join the IBEW, you join a family.

Your Rights during Organizing
Under a federal law called the National Labor Relations Act, workers have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid and protection. Section 7 of the NLRA includes the right to the distribution of union literature, discuss the union with coworkers, and to solicit coworkers to sign union authorization cards. You may also wear union shirts, buttons, stickers, or other insignias. Supervisors and managers cannot spy, coercively question, threaten, or bribe you regarding your or your co-worker’s union activities. You cannot be fired, disciplined, demoted, or penalized in any way for participation in these union activities.
The time scheduled for work is when your employer may enact and enforce non-discriminatory rules limiting your solicitation and distribution of union information or materials. Your employer cannot however prohibit you from soliciting, distributing, or talking about the union during non-work time in non-work areas such as break areas, lunchrooms, or parking lots. One exception is that your employer cannot prohibit you from talking about the union during working hours if it permits you to talk about other non-work related subjects.
Contact Us
Do you and your co-workers wish to organize your current employer? By filling out the form below you authorize IBEW Local 1439 and it’s representatives to contact you via phone, text, and/or email. Your information will not be shared with anyone outside of our office unless previously authorized by you. At any time you wish to stop communications, let us know.