IBEW Code of Excellence
The Code of Excellence is a program designed to bring out the best in our construction members and demonstrate to our customers that IBEW members:
Perform the highest quality and quantity of work
Utilize their skills and abilities to the maximum
Exercise safe and productive work practices.
The Code of Excellence is not only about an IBEW job built right the first time, on schedule and under budget; it is also about pride in IBEW membership and craftsmanship and leaving a lasting impression of quality workmanship with the customer…thus, prompting him to again employ the IBEW on future projects. The Code of Excellence program is also a means to build and project positive attitudes about who we are and the work we do…on and off the job.
- Our customers are our most valuable asset – and the most important people in our business.
- Our customers are not dependent upon us – we are dependent upon them. They do not owe us any favors.
- Our customers are the purpose of our work – without them there would be no jobs.
- Our customers are not just names or numbers on our books – they are real people who have as much right to be satisfied as we do.
- Our customers do us a favor when they do business with us. We owe it to them to see that they are completely satisfied.
- Our customers are not intruders, but a very necessary part of our business.
- Our customers are free to take their business wherever they wish – and we encourage that right whenever we fail to satisfy them.
- Our satisfied customers are ambassadors of good will for our company.
- Our jobs depend not only on getting new customers – but also, on keeping all our customers satisfied with everything we do on their behalf.
- Satisfied customers are the life of our business and careers – without them there would be NO unionized electrical contracting industry and NO jobs for IBEW Lineman